Friday, July 28, 2006

Rambling thoughts, journeys unfold...

Its the green that strikes me as I land, unexpected and yet welcomed...the rainy season is here, I've known it for a while, but the lush hills and storm clouds in the distance offer a picture of something vastly different then the heat and squalor the media captures. This is least for a few months, the rain offering a reprieve of sorts to the millions who call this home. In a way I suppose my presence here is supposed to offer a sort of reprieve as well to the people of Darfur...I feel like the two months of rain might be more effective...

Walkie-talkies blare, Land Rovers roar, security reports are issued, and crewfews enforced...the tired eyes of the locals and workers pass by in the blur of sorts, off to the office or the field or the home or market. Life goes on, in all place life goes on. It’s the sad and beautiful truth of our existence as human beings...captured daily and splashed across our televisions. Here it’s up close, the weekly security meeting speaks of raids conducted, roads that are unsafe, and shots that have been fired. While at home BBC talks of places far away; of bombs dropped, civilians starving, and fear gripping millions across the world.

My head swims. I'm angry, frustrated, sad, and confused.

500 civilians are dead in Lebanon and the world does nothing...friends say they won't be going home to Beirut any time soon, faces cry on TV, and thousands huddle in bomb shelters in Haifa when air raid siren go off...and somewhere someone believes that its worth it...

The DRC is set to have their first "free" elections in 40 years...the police shot at a local political rally and the Catholic Church has called for a boycott on grounds of vote rigging...

Hugo Chavez thanks Russia for selling it military weapons...

Exxon Mobil made $10.4 Billion dollars in profits this quarter, a 36% increase...

The rain has stopped for a moment. It’s quiet in the muddy streets, I think I'll go for a walk and try not to think about any least for a moment.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I discovered these blog by casuality, but I can tell u that it is quite interesting, like your profile and all the things you say. It seams strange that a person from Darfure can write a blog (no offence, but the only thing I see from darfure are the hungy children, all the masacres and the world who looks but does nothing to help and to stop all these atrocities), and especially such an interesting one.

I am a Romanian girl, and at these moment I live in Spain... I don't know what more to say, only that I would like to know a little more about you, and these blog, and the story behind.....

Contact me at if you are interested....I always say that people can have a strange influence into our life, and these blog...maybe is the introduction, the things written here, I don't know.

9:54 AM  
Blogger Kate said...


Hey love.
I always enjoy reading what you write, even if the things you see in your day are upsetting. It is an eye-opener for all of us. I'm sorry that the events you're witnessing leave you in such a state on your birthday.

Happy Birthday!!! (You deserve a cheerful wish.)

I don't know if in all your wordly travels you've ever come across a place quite like the one you're in now. I'm not sure if anyone can be truly prepared. Though it may be hard to believe given all of the things you've seen, you make a difference there. I know that you have an impact on everyone you come across.

Good luck in your work and happy birthday.


10:25 PM  
Blogger Jessica said...


I bought a phone card for Africa and tried to call you to wish you a happy birthday...alas, I am still trying to call and am begining to think that the "Africa Dreams" calling card from Tedeschi's was not quite the best choice for the job. But I'm stubborn and will eventually get through.

As usual, your post was beautifully written and haunting, allowing us all a window into the world through which you now journey. May the walk ahead be safe and forgiving, allowing you to give what you can without giving too much.

Take care, be well and with all luck (and a little social engineering) we'll be in touch soon.

11:41 AM  
Blogger El Matt said...

"and somewhere someone believes that its worth it..."

thanks for rocking my world Scott.

1:14 PM  

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