Wednesday, August 23, 2006

Sand Print

Sand it one of those substances that belongs in very specific locations and should be enjoyed in vary specific circumstances. A prime place for sand is on a beach, in front of an ocean, lake, or other large body of water. The enjoyment of said substance is found in the building of sand castles, burying your feet, or laying your blanket across it for sunbathing and relaxing. Sand might also be permissible in other contained instances such as a sandbox for children to play in or possibly placed in a small glass jar so that the various colors makes some sort of picture. These are perfectly acceptable locations for sand and in its proper locations I would admit to being a fan of sand.

Now let me discuss where sand is not acceptable…most notable anywhere with high winds and a rainy season. For example Darfur is a horrible place for sand. For one there are no large bodies of water to sunbath along and the hundred plus temperatures would seem to deter even to the most avid sun seeker. In addition, Darfur has a rainy season which sends torrential down pours of water upon the arid land, forming large wadis, huge sink holes, and unseeable sand traps. This brings me to the next place sand does not belong…leaning against my truck window! Unlike the sand I know in the US, sand here in Darfur is tricky…it may look like solid ground one minute and the next be a sinking pit of doom of which even Tarzan would be helpless to extradite himself from! Such was the pit we found ourselves in yesterday. After 5 hours of shoveling, two winch systems burned out, and the truck progressively getting worse with each attempt, we conceded victory to the sand monster and head in for the night with hopes that a new morning and some reinforcements might prove more successful.

A few other quick notes of where sand doesn’t belong…in the air looking like a rain storm but actually being a huge stinging dust storm, in my sheets, in all of my food, in certain parts of my body, and in general anywhere where I can’t be drinking a Margarita and watching a sunset!

So much for sand castle daydreams…


Anonymous Anonymous said...

you forgot to mention that sand doesn't belong in any bodily orifice....

-Guess Who

5:50 AM  

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