Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Ideals and Reality

I wrote a journal entry once questioning how we as humans allow these types of camps to exist. And I hopefully wondered that if we all collectively agreed that camps where simply unacceptable then maybe they would disappear and something more humane would take their place. And yet now I find myself defending the camps existence at all cost, battling a government determined to tear them down. And this is the irony of my life…defending something I hate, choosing the lesser of two evils, and probably settling for something in-between.

And I suppose this is just the state of my head at the moment, a sea of confusion and frustration with no land in sight. But I am not so noble as to pretend that these grand thoughts of justice and the poor consume me at all times…rather it’s the small email from home or a conversation with a friend or loved one that tends to swirl my head. It is almost as though the small personnel aspects of life, the ones I can almost grasp, are the ones that allow me to actually contemplate the bigger picture.

And so for now I sit here…not knowing what to feel, which I am sure is one of the worst feelings in the world. And while my heart remains consumed with my individual personnel questions my head is allowed to drift to that of consuming ideals and grand questions…and I bet that both will remain unanswered in many ways. I wonder if those in this camp ever get a chance to think these thoughts….


Blogger Simone said...

you're something!

9:29 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...


9:28 AM  

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