Friday, November 13, 2009


What if I started writing on this thing again? I'm not sure if the use of a blog for me was ever about anything more then voicing my opinion in some form or another, but I suppose on some level that is all forms of communication.

I think I stopped blogging when the ridiculously confusing and complicated nature of life got too personnel and writing became too painful and too self indulging. When your head and heart are a bit of a mess sometimes the last thing you want to to at the end of the day and sit and contemplate what it all means while summarizing it into a few short paragraphs.

I'm not really sure why I'm writing now although I am mildly curious if anyone will ever check this blog again without me sending out some type of request for engagement. Never-the-less, here I am rambling away for reasons unknown. I think its time to go.